General Functions

Features Breakdown

Simple View

BreeCS offers two view modes, this is the simple view where the end user can access all of the main features but with a clean, minimal interface. When you hover your mouse over any button you are presented with a short description informing you what will happen when clicked. This mode also shows the site name, how many users are currently stored within the database and date/time information.

Advanced View

BreeCS offers two view modes, this is the advanced view where the end user can access all of the main features with content-rich information. This view was designed for the more tech-savvy user who wishes to see a more in depth view of users, events and Co2.

Searching for a User

You can search for a user currently displayed in the list by either first name, surname or both. When a user is found matching the supplied credentials they are highlighted, grouped together and visible for easy editing and updating.

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